Dita is 26 years old and lives in Central Java, Indonesia with her family. She is passionate about cooking and started a small catering business which helps support her family.

Dita participates in the Go Invest in Real Life (G.I.R.L.) Program, proudly funded by Biscayne Hospitality and implemented by Plan International, where she is learning the hard and soft skills needed to become a successful entrepreneur.

According to Dita, young people in her village have the potential to be entrepreneurs with the abundant natural resources around them, but they lack experience, confidence, networks, and have limited capital to start even a small business. She hopes the G.I.R.L. program can encourage young people to become more optimistic in their future business endeavors.

“I dream of having a bakery,” Dita says. “I want to be a successful small business owner to help my family and community.”

Biscayne Hospitality is proud to support Dita as she works hard to achieve her dream.